Already a wonderful treasure not to be missed in Southport, the Maritime Museum has added a special traveling exhibit commemorating the centennial of the U.S.’s entry into World War I.

Click on the link and learn more about this exciting opportunity to see this special exhibit and experience all the other great things about the Maritime Museum right here in Southport, NC!

NCDCR Traveling Exhibit on WWI at the Maritime Museum in  Southport, NC


There are so many great things to see. These posters aren’t part of the exhibit but convey the feel, the tone, the uniting of energy and resources to fight for our Country and for World Peace! Click on the link above to find out more about the exhibit!!!

a4fb894f8574684eec1536f2d5671076 Christy_Fight-or-Buy-Bonds-web1200 every girl pulling for victory poster james-montgomery-flagg-the-navy-needs-you p7 sowing-the-seeds-book TogetherWeWinPoster