First ADA accessible kayak launch opens in Brunswick County
Very happy to see the attached article in the recent “Visit NC NewsLink.” Photo courtesy of Hannah Leyva/Port City Daily) First ADA accessible kayak launch [...]
Thank you so very much!!!
We are so very grateful for all our guests and for all the recent calls we have received to see how we did through the [...]
October in Southport is a favorite!
Beautiful blue skies in Southport this week! We continue to pray for all those inland towns that are still dealing with flooding but are oh [...]
Southport is thankful for being spared!
The Happiest Seaside Town of 2015 (named by Coastal Living Magazine) was one of the luckiest Seaside Towns in 2016. We are so grateful that [...]
Southport Winterfest in December!
So many great events planned around Southport in December! Just a quick reminder for all our guests following our blog, we will start booking up [...]
Proud to Support Raise the Ruff Fundraiser for Paw’s Place
Paws Place Poster RTR 2016 – Final As many of you know, Rick & I are passionate about doggy adoption and how it not only [...]